我有一天好好的mitbbs灌水,正灌得兴高采烈呢,突然有短讯在闪,我一点,蹦出她的一句“你在灌水!”我当时吓得一哆嗦。一会儿,她又来一句:“你为什么上班灌水?要老实上班”我马上就兴致全无,赶快log off了。
又有一天,我在mitbbs看文章看到7点,看着看着,又是一短讯,她来句“get your ass back home, now!”我又是吓得一身冷汗,赶快log off回家了。
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
[GTR's Code]
今天可把我痒坏了,上班的时候东抓西抓,非常不雅观,奶奶的,这么多包,难道是我的人品问题??不过这蚊子也挺变态的,叮我的时候还这么讲究对称美。哦,如果象“达芬奇的密码”一样来分析的话,14这个数字,就是足球场上11个人再加3个替补,而且都是在世界杯决赛之夜叮的,嗯。。。所以说,蚊子也是球迷!!!哈哈,干脆我写本 [GTR's Code] 吧
今天可把我痒坏了,上班的时候东抓西抓,非常不雅观,奶奶的,这么多包,难道是我的人品问题??不过这蚊子也挺变态的,叮我的时候还这么讲究对称美。哦,如果象“达芬奇的密码”一样来分析的话,14这个数字,就是足球场上11个人再加3个替补,而且都是在世界杯决赛之夜叮的,嗯。。。所以说,蚊子也是球迷!!!哈哈,干脆我写本 [GTR's Code] 吧
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Some Q&A Regarding China (转载)
Q: Do Chinese eat dogs?
A: Yes. And cats. Especially on our "Thanks receiving" day. Besides, turkeys are our favorite pets. In China only the most uneducated eat turkeys.
Q: China is becoming strong. Does your government want to take over the world?
A: Yes, absolutely. As soon as we become powerful, we will invade Iraq and Afghanistan.
Q: Why doesn't your government give Tibet back to its monks?
A: Because the monks want to help the Seminoles take back Florida.
Q: Are the products made in China very cheap?
A: Yes. Were we using slaves, the price would be even cheaper.
Q: Why you are the only kid in your family?
A: Because my parents don't fuck with everybody.
Q: You have 1.4 billion people. Now what do you want to do with it?
A: Find a new planet. Kill the native people there, and move in.
A: Yes. And cats. Especially on our "Thanks receiving" day. Besides, turkeys are our favorite pets. In China only the most uneducated eat turkeys.
Q: China is becoming strong. Does your government want to take over the world?
A: Yes, absolutely. As soon as we become powerful, we will invade Iraq and Afghanistan.
Q: Why doesn't your government give Tibet back to its monks?
A: Because the monks want to help the Seminoles take back Florida.
Q: Are the products made in China very cheap?
A: Yes. Were we using slaves, the price would be even cheaper.
Q: Why you are the only kid in your family?
A: Because my parents don't fuck with everybody.
Q: You have 1.4 billion people. Now what do you want to do with it?
A: Find a new planet. Kill the native people there, and move in.
Monday, May 15, 2006
The Truth is Out There.... Or really?
Any X-File fan will recognize this tag line -- The truth is out there. However, I just came to a conclusion that there is no real truth in this world. All that we have is opinion. We may have some so called "evidence" to support our views, but in the end we still need to count on our judgement and decide what we want to believe. THERE IS NO TRUTH.
Just take Bible and Da Vince Code for example. Which book is telling the truth? For me, the question is irrelevant. Does it MATTER? We have no way of knowing the answer anyway. No one knows exactly what happened 2,000 years ago. Even with so called "prove" or "historical evidence", those are made or written by men, people just like you and me who are biased and subjective regardless how hard we try not to (sometimes people don't even try). On top of it, people will still believe whatever they like to believe, with or without any evidence whatsoever. The discussion will never end. EVIDENCE or FACT carry no importance here. What really matters is which book is more popular and can outsell the other one.
For years, I was trying to argue with people that God does not exist. There has been absolutely NO solid scientific evidence in this physical world to prove the existence of such divine concept. However, people continue to believe in this absurb concept, an invisible man who has all the power and loves you, your dogs, and everyone else but he just won't stop you from a heart attack or a fatel car accident. In US, the people believe in the concept of God outnumber those who don't approximately by 4:1. Bible is the all time best seller. It is arguably the most successful literature piece ever written by men. Arguing about evidences and facts are fruitless. It will not change a thing. It won’t get you anywhere.
What we really need is simply another best seller, something like Da Vince Code, to compete agaisnt Bible. It doesn’t matter if the book is historically accurate. As long as people are buying it, reading it, talking about it, and believing it, I will say it is accurate. The only weapon we have is best sellers like Da Vince Code.
The same thing goes with any other types of history. No one can clearly remember what they ate 5 days ago, let alone what happened 500 years ago. All we have is our less than perfect memory when it comes to what happened in the past. History is always written by the winners, an extremely sujective group of people. Losers’ view will never be presented as their version will never outsell the other side. Therefore, for any historical arguments, facts and evidences are also having a small impact.
Let's take Nan King Massacre for example, it is utterly useless to argue with Japanese right-wingers by presenting facts. People will believe what they WANT to believe. In fact, we don't need to persuade those right-wingers at all (we will never be able to anyway), and we just need to sell our version of the history to third parties, such as Americans, British, German, and etc,. How do do so? Once again, not by facts. All we need to do is the have a best seller, either a book or a movie that tells people the version of history we prefer. Mass media and pop culture allows you to reach millions, or even billions, in a rapid fashion. For example, the movie Schindler's List is 1,00o times more powerful than any discovery of so-called "hard evidence" regarding what German did against Jews. Schindler's List is such a great movie that it creates its own version of history. I, for one, believe in that version. For the same reason, all we need are best sellers!!!! Either books, or movies, or music, or anything!!! Cultural influence is the only way to go. That’s why I believe the so called "boycotting Japanese products" movement is childish and will achieve nothing. The easiest way to combat Japanese right-wingers is to raise enough money and ask Steven Spielberg to direct a movie called “Nan King massacre”. This is the easiest and most efficient way to end the arguement once for all. Oh, we do need to have a good screen writer to come up the script. :-D
Just take Bible and Da Vince Code for example. Which book is telling the truth? For me, the question is irrelevant. Does it MATTER? We have no way of knowing the answer anyway. No one knows exactly what happened 2,000 years ago. Even with so called "prove" or "historical evidence", those are made or written by men, people just like you and me who are biased and subjective regardless how hard we try not to (sometimes people don't even try). On top of it, people will still believe whatever they like to believe, with or without any evidence whatsoever. The discussion will never end. EVIDENCE or FACT carry no importance here. What really matters is which book is more popular and can outsell the other one.
For years, I was trying to argue with people that God does not exist. There has been absolutely NO solid scientific evidence in this physical world to prove the existence of such divine concept. However, people continue to believe in this absurb concept, an invisible man who has all the power and loves you, your dogs, and everyone else but he just won't stop you from a heart attack or a fatel car accident. In US, the people believe in the concept of God outnumber those who don't approximately by 4:1. Bible is the all time best seller. It is arguably the most successful literature piece ever written by men. Arguing about evidences and facts are fruitless. It will not change a thing. It won’t get you anywhere.
What we really need is simply another best seller, something like Da Vince Code, to compete agaisnt Bible. It doesn’t matter if the book is historically accurate. As long as people are buying it, reading it, talking about it, and believing it, I will say it is accurate. The only weapon we have is best sellers like Da Vince Code.
The same thing goes with any other types of history. No one can clearly remember what they ate 5 days ago, let alone what happened 500 years ago. All we have is our less than perfect memory when it comes to what happened in the past. History is always written by the winners, an extremely sujective group of people. Losers’ view will never be presented as their version will never outsell the other side. Therefore, for any historical arguments, facts and evidences are also having a small impact.
Let's take Nan King Massacre for example, it is utterly useless to argue with Japanese right-wingers by presenting facts. People will believe what they WANT to believe. In fact, we don't need to persuade those right-wingers at all (we will never be able to anyway), and we just need to sell our version of the history to third parties, such as Americans, British, German, and etc,. How do do so? Once again, not by facts. All we need to do is the have a best seller, either a book or a movie that tells people the version of history we prefer. Mass media and pop culture allows you to reach millions, or even billions, in a rapid fashion. For example, the movie Schindler's List is 1,00o times more powerful than any discovery of so-called "hard evidence" regarding what German did against Jews. Schindler's List is such a great movie that it creates its own version of history. I, for one, believe in that version. For the same reason, all we need are best sellers!!!! Either books, or movies, or music, or anything!!! Cultural influence is the only way to go. That’s why I believe the so called "boycotting Japanese products" movement is childish and will achieve nothing. The easiest way to combat Japanese right-wingers is to raise enough money and ask Steven Spielberg to direct a movie called “Nan King massacre”. This is the easiest and most efficient way to end the arguement once for all. Oh, we do need to have a good screen writer to come up the script. :-D
新华网上海5月12日电 上海交通大学12日向新华社记者通报了“汉芯”系列芯片涉嫌造假的调查结论与处理意见。调查显示,陈进在负责研制“汉芯”系列芯片过程中存在严重的造假和欺骗行为,以虚假科研成果欺骗了鉴定专家、上海交大、研究团队、地方政府和中央有关部委,欺骗了媒体和公众。上海交大决定,撤销陈进上海交大微电子学院院长职务;撤销陈进的教授职务任职资格,解除其教授聘用合同。科技部根据专家调查组的调查结论和国家科技计划管理有关规定,已决定终止陈进负责的科研项目的执行,追缴相关经费,取消陈进以后承担国家科技计划课题的资格;教育部决定撤销陈进“长江学者”称号,取消其享受政府特殊津贴的资格,追缴相应拨款;国家发展改革委决定终止陈进负责的高技术产业化项目的执行,追缴相关经费。
新华网上海5月12日电 上海交通大学12日向新华社记者通报了“汉芯”系列芯片涉嫌造假的调查结论与处理意见。调查显示,陈进在负责研制“汉芯”系列芯片过程中存在严重的造假和欺骗行为,以虚假科研成果欺骗了鉴定专家、上海交大、研究团队、地方政府和中央有关部委,欺骗了媒体和公众。上海交大决定,撤销陈进上海交大微电子学院院长职务;撤销陈进的教授职务任职资格,解除其教授聘用合同。科技部根据专家调查组的调查结论和国家科技计划管理有关规定,已决定终止陈进负责的科研项目的执行,追缴相关经费,取消陈进以后承担国家科技计划课题的资格;教育部决定撤销陈进“长江学者”称号,取消其享受政府特殊津贴的资格,追缴相应拨款;国家发展改革委决定终止陈进负责的高技术产业化项目的执行,追缴相关经费。
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Critics Blast Bush For Not Praying Hard Enough
(You gotta give The Onion a two-thumbs up.. lol)
WASHINGTON, DC - President Bush, already facing the lowest approval ratings in history, is coming under fire from former supporters over what they call his "ineffectual and incompetent" use of prayer for national guidance and assistance.
"Every time the president is criticized, he insists that the nation is in his prayers," said the Family Research Council's Bob Jensen. "That may be, but it's becoming more and more clear that these prayers are either too infrequent, too brief, or not strongly worded enough to be effective."
Jensen added: "This nation deserves more than a president who just pays lip service to prayer. It deserves a president who demands that his prayers get real-world results."
Despite assurances from the president that he "prays every day" for the nation's interests both at home and abroad, the mounting crises of recent months - escalating gas prices, the botched Dubai port security deal, ethics scandals, and the rising death toll in Iraq - have left many unimpressed with the effectiveness of his devotion.
Francine Gundersen, an Iowa mother and churchgoer, says she voted for Bush but is now having doubts about his commitment to prayer, particularly with regard to Iraq, where her son, P.F.C. Jason Gundersen, has served since June 2004.
"Bush says he prays for the soldiers' safe return, but if that's the case, where is my son, Mr. President?" she said.
The White House Office of Communications, which has denied any wrongpraying, released transcripts of Bush's inner dialogues with God from May 12 through Oct. 22, 2005 and tried to paint the president as "very close" to the Almighty, saying he speaks with Him "regularly."
"The president spends many hours each day alone in quiet contemplation," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said. "These allegations are, quite simply, absurd. The president is as strong a prayer as any who has occupied the White House."
In an interview on Fox News, Vice President Dick Cheney defended Bush, saying the president puts as much energy into prayer as he does into domestic policies.
"Half the time, I can't even get him on the phone because he's busy praying for the American people, the same people who are now so quick to criticize him," Cheney said. "If something's wrong with those prayers, I would suggest that it's perhaps the fault of a supernatural entity. But it's not the president's. He is doing his duty."
While newly released portions of White House prayer logs show that Bush's praying has actually gone up in recent months, critics are seeking to subpoena the documents in their entirety to determine the strength of those prayers.
The harshest criticisms continue to come from members of the president's conservative base, who insist that the proper devotional words must be used in prayer.
"There is a real possibility that the president misrepresented the number of times he invokes Jesus' power each day in accordance with the strict guidelines of scripture," said Henry Holbrook, senior fellow at the Intercession Institute, a leading conservative prayer tank. "Is he clasping his hands together tightly enough? Is he using the proper forms of the pronouns 'thine' and 'thou'? What about the verb 'hast'?"
Susan DiDomenico of the National Prayer Task Force said her organization is seeking "full disclosure" of any and all prayers Bush may have skipped or manipulated to seem more effective or holy.
WASHINGTON, DC - President Bush, already facing the lowest approval ratings in history, is coming under fire from former supporters over what they call his "ineffectual and incompetent" use of prayer for national guidance and assistance.
"Every time the president is criticized, he insists that the nation is in his prayers," said the Family Research Council's Bob Jensen. "That may be, but it's becoming more and more clear that these prayers are either too infrequent, too brief, or not strongly worded enough to be effective."
Jensen added: "This nation deserves more than a president who just pays lip service to prayer. It deserves a president who demands that his prayers get real-world results."
Despite assurances from the president that he "prays every day" for the nation's interests both at home and abroad, the mounting crises of recent months - escalating gas prices, the botched Dubai port security deal, ethics scandals, and the rising death toll in Iraq - have left many unimpressed with the effectiveness of his devotion.
Francine Gundersen, an Iowa mother and churchgoer, says she voted for Bush but is now having doubts about his commitment to prayer, particularly with regard to Iraq, where her son, P.F.C. Jason Gundersen, has served since June 2004.
"Bush says he prays for the soldiers' safe return, but if that's the case, where is my son, Mr. President?" she said.
The White House Office of Communications, which has denied any wrongpraying, released transcripts of Bush's inner dialogues with God from May 12 through Oct. 22, 2005 and tried to paint the president as "very close" to the Almighty, saying he speaks with Him "regularly."
"The president spends many hours each day alone in quiet contemplation," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said. "These allegations are, quite simply, absurd. The president is as strong a prayer as any who has occupied the White House."
In an interview on Fox News, Vice President Dick Cheney defended Bush, saying the president puts as much energy into prayer as he does into domestic policies.
"Half the time, I can't even get him on the phone because he's busy praying for the American people, the same people who are now so quick to criticize him," Cheney said. "If something's wrong with those prayers, I would suggest that it's perhaps the fault of a supernatural entity. But it's not the president's. He is doing his duty."
While newly released portions of White House prayer logs show that Bush's praying has actually gone up in recent months, critics are seeking to subpoena the documents in their entirety to determine the strength of those prayers.
The harshest criticisms continue to come from members of the president's conservative base, who insist that the proper devotional words must be used in prayer.
"There is a real possibility that the president misrepresented the number of times he invokes Jesus' power each day in accordance with the strict guidelines of scripture," said Henry Holbrook, senior fellow at the Intercession Institute, a leading conservative prayer tank. "Is he clasping his hands together tightly enough? Is he using the proper forms of the pronouns 'thine' and 'thou'? What about the verb 'hast'?"
Susan DiDomenico of the National Prayer Task Force said her organization is seeking "full disclosure" of any and all prayers Bush may have skipped or manipulated to seem more effective or holy.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Chicken Vegetable Soup
I just had my lunch 30 minutes ago, a medium sized chicken vegetable soup with a half sandwich. I don’t have much to complain about the food, as I feel pretty full right now… en…well… Actually there is one thing that somewhat bothers me. It’s the name of the soup. I believe the name “Chicken Vegetable Soup” is misleading. It gives you a false impression that the Mr. Chicken and Mrs. Vegetable are equally respectable and share the same significance in this soup family. However, Mr. Chicken was so elusive that his existence was only vaguely confirmed by some faint smell and residuals at the bottom of the cup. I was eagerly anticipating my encounter with Mr. Chicken today and I was deeply disappointed by his lack of presence. It’s like spending $80 to watch a Rocket game but only found out later that Yao is injured and all you see is his long cold face on the bench. The mere glimpse is not going to satisfy anybody.
I think the right name should be “Chicken-flavored Vegetable Soup”. It gives you the right perception regarding the power balance between Mr. Chicken and Mrs. Vegetable. In short, Mr. Chicken is indeed a chicken and stands no chance against the mighty Mrs. Vegetable in this soup family.
I think the right name should be “Chicken-flavored Vegetable Soup”. It gives you the right perception regarding the power balance between Mr. Chicken and Mrs. Vegetable. In short, Mr. Chicken is indeed a chicken and stands no chance against the mighty Mrs. Vegetable in this soup family.
Friday, March 03, 2006
3,一个连什么是YIELD CURVE都不懂的小记者居然来写关于经济学的文章,勇气可嘉啊
3,一个连什么是YIELD CURVE都不懂的小记者居然来写关于经济学的文章,勇气可嘉啊
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Common Sense
Common Sense 我觉得是最重要的,至于原子是怎么聚变的,细胞是怎么分裂的,光速是怎么测量的,这些都是锦上添花的学问,日常生活中最关键还是common sense. 以下是最近BBS上的两个热点问题,我就用common sense来说一说:
呵呵,笑话而已,我没有亲眼看见,但common sense告诉我孙维的确干了。这其实很容易想的。最根本的问题是,“如果孙不是凶手,她凭什么忍辱负重10多年屁话都不说啊,她的家人为什么也是保持沉默,并且制止对这件事情的调查啊?”
这不符合逻辑嘛。如果我被冤枉了,你要说我杀人了,我第一反应就是“孙子,你丫说什么呢?想当烈士啊?”。如果你10年如一日的天天来我们家说我杀人了,我大概只有两个选择,(1)我真的就把你给剁了, (2)我去[焦点访谈],[实话实说]等节目上去哭诉。但不管怎么着,我不会保持沉默。我的家人更不会袖手旁观,我哥肯定会出来和你理论,我父母也会到处去找包青天来给我一个公正。同时,我家肯定会非常配合公安局进行调查,因为只有抓到真的凶手,我的日子才可能太平。但不管怎么着,他们也不会保持沉默。所以,孙干了,这就唯一的解释。
2,汉芯一号芯片到底有没有作假?大家也是议论纷纷,其实,没什么好说的,汉芯一号肯定是猫腻出来的。道理也很简单,当有人揭发作假之后的一个礼拜,那时候已经是满城风雨了,记者都打电话打去公司了,居然还是没有官方,非官方的任何辟谣,这就不正常。官方答复是“正在调查中”。真是滑稽啊,这不就等于自己承认了嘛,自己作没作假还不知道?还要调查?调查个屁啊??如果我没有作假,我的反应肯定是(1)宣布自己没有作假,(2)准备对所谓的揭幕人进行起诉。但如果我真的作假了,我只能自己默默地说“fuck, fuck, fuck, who is this fucker? I am fucked, totally fucked”,然后故作镇定的来一句“我们正在调查中”。
呵呵,笑话而已,我没有亲眼看见,但common sense告诉我孙维的确干了。这其实很容易想的。最根本的问题是,“如果孙不是凶手,她凭什么忍辱负重10多年屁话都不说啊,她的家人为什么也是保持沉默,并且制止对这件事情的调查啊?”
这不符合逻辑嘛。如果我被冤枉了,你要说我杀人了,我第一反应就是“孙子,你丫说什么呢?想当烈士啊?”。如果你10年如一日的天天来我们家说我杀人了,我大概只有两个选择,(1)我真的就把你给剁了, (2)我去[焦点访谈],[实话实说]等节目上去哭诉。但不管怎么着,我不会保持沉默。我的家人更不会袖手旁观,我哥肯定会出来和你理论,我父母也会到处去找包青天来给我一个公正。同时,我家肯定会非常配合公安局进行调查,因为只有抓到真的凶手,我的日子才可能太平。但不管怎么着,他们也不会保持沉默。所以,孙干了,这就唯一的解释。
2,汉芯一号芯片到底有没有作假?大家也是议论纷纷,其实,没什么好说的,汉芯一号肯定是猫腻出来的。道理也很简单,当有人揭发作假之后的一个礼拜,那时候已经是满城风雨了,记者都打电话打去公司了,居然还是没有官方,非官方的任何辟谣,这就不正常。官方答复是“正在调查中”。真是滑稽啊,这不就等于自己承认了嘛,自己作没作假还不知道?还要调查?调查个屁啊??如果我没有作假,我的反应肯定是(1)宣布自己没有作假,(2)准备对所谓的揭幕人进行起诉。但如果我真的作假了,我只能自己默默地说“fuck, fuck, fuck, who is this fucker? I am fucked, totally fucked”,然后故作镇定的来一句“我们正在调查中”。
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