高手都喜欢第一种,象什么出钱收买记者的手段就为一例。丁春秋,东方不败,任我行,还有一些伟大领袖们都是很擅长这类吹嘘,吹捧的。 但网上比较难使用第一种手段,除非你用大量的马甲。但IP这东西很烦人,马甲 一般不容易穿牢。 所以,只能退而求其次的来第二种了。 但直接的说“我很美,我很帅,我比你们都牛逼 ”是不符合中国传统美德的, 所以网上的高手都是间接的自我吹嘘。。。有时候自恋之情流露的让人热泪盈眶。。。 下面就是我今天看到的一个帖子,好贴啊,应该多多学习。
来美国不到半年, 已经被无数次地问过这样一问题:Do you have a boyfriend?
每当我回答没有时,接下去的一个问题便是:Why not?
Case 1:
在今年寒假回国后返回美国入境时, 碰到一个很有意思的immigration officer.
He is an overseas Chinese. He complemented me by saying my oral English is very good. And then he asked me why I spoke such good English. I just smiled. He said, "I know why. You have got an American boyfriend!" I told him I hadn't. But he continued with asking me whether I havea Chinese boyfriend or not. I told him no. He asked me "Why not getting one 'cause you are such a beautiful girl?" I just smiled and went.
Case 2: 昨天我碰到了一个很令我尴尬的韩国男人。
Yesterday I met one of my classmates, a Korean young man. He first asked me to lend him a pen and then tried to start a conversation with me. He asked me whether I live with my boyfriend. I told him I live with my roommate, a Chinese girl, also. He then asked me" Do you have a boyfriend here in US?" I told him no. He continued with"Do you have a boyfriend back in China?" I told him no. "Why not?" I just said I am too young. I am only 19. He then teased me with" Do you have a girl friend?"
ft,居然怀疑我的sex orientation!受不了!My face suddenly turned red. He apologized immediately. Then I asked him back whether he has a girlfriend or a wife.(哼!他问我这样的问题, 我凭什么不问他呢?)But to my surprise, he said, " If I don't have one, would you be my girlfriend or wife 'cause you are such a beautiful girl?" I was so embarrassed.
In fact, I have come acrossed dozens of people in US asking me these two questions. I don't know how to answer. 在美国是不是像我这样还没谈过恋爱很不正常啊? Anyway, I think I am too young, I want to concentrate on my study and get into a top graduate school.
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