Tuesday, June 29, 2004

The Movie - [华氏9/11]



有些人会批评导演是biased,但谁不是biased???? 任何东西只要有人的大脑和意识在参与和作用,它必定是biased。就像你批评一个人,说他不是perfect的一样,这种批评是没有多大意义的。


战争是残酷的,是真正对人性的摧残。有一部电影叫[The Casualty of War], 是Michael J Fox演的关于越战的片子,里面就把这种摧残表演的淋漓尽致。那部电影的名字就是要告诉大家,战争里的损失的不仅仅是阵亡的将士,实际上所有的参与者,包括那些幸存者,都是the casualty of war。[华氏9/11]里一个士兵的发言很好的表达了这个意思:“I feel like a part of my soul was lost with every kill”

美国是个great country,我真的很喜欢。但布什这个阿史侯象个大猩猩一样四处破坏。他正在摧毁美国最宝贵的财富:民主和自由。像他这样的一个草包公子,如果连任了,我很可能会气的失去理智,到处撞墙。


Friday, June 25, 2004

The Power of Logic





Tuesday, June 22, 2004

My brief encounter with an Indian baby

On my plane back from CA, there was that baby....
He is a tiny Indian boy, sits one row in front of me and 4 seats away to my right. I was happy about the situation, since I thought I was at a safe distance away from the baby. But later on I just realized how wrong I was.

The baby was a monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He was crying, screaming, kicking, spitting, and cursing the whole trip!!!! (close to 6 hours) (Well, not exactly cursing since he can’t even talk, but for me, worse than cursing)
I almost snapped; I almost got up and talked to the mother calmly: “sorry, I have to kill this baby now.” There are moments at which I wished I just drop dead right now right there. I even had vision of alien abduction. Taking away by aliens was definately a better alternative for me. I finally understand why some nannies or parents chocked their babies. I know it ain't right but you gotta do what you gotta do. I have to admit that if the baby was actually with in my reach, I really don’t know what would happen (I guess some of you guys may end up seeing me on some breaking news yesterday evening).

I actually found a way to squeeze some amusementsout of this horrendous situation. I tried to be a judge to rate each scream, base on how high the pitch is, how long the scream lasts, and how loud it sounds (somewhat like Simon in the American Idol). The highest score I gave out yesterday was 9.6. You know, I am as picky as Simon and I don’t give perfect scores.

I always believe that the baby’s crying is self-defense mechanism. The sound is designed to be so annoying and discouraging that even the fiercest animals can’t approach the baby within 100 yard radius. If I were the animal yesterday, I would have ate my own brain out than got any closer to that baby.

I fucking hate babies on the plane!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 14, 2004

One of the toughest questions I've ever seen


If you have to choose one thing, which one will you choose
(1) Permanent Body-odor
(2) Permanent Bad Breath

Tough... very tough........

Friday, June 11, 2004

I am a Piston Fan Now

Watched second half of the game last night, Pistons against Lakers
All I can say is "What a great game!!! It's fucking awesome!!!"
This is what I call basketball, and any professional sports in general

It's about desire, motivation, and heart
It's about how badly you want to win
It's about putting everything you have on the floor and fight for every second
It's about the physical play and energy surge
It's about I want to win no matter what you do

It's NOT about the fancy clothes that you are wearing
It's NOT about the fake smile on the face
It's NOT about the fucking bullshit "winning is not everything"
It's NOT about who has more championship rings on their fingers
It's NOT about the popularity contest
It's NOT about tomorrow.. tonight is what counts!!

Detroit destroyed Lakers. Lakers are old, slow, and over-matched. The cocky SOB Kobe looked like a total joke after some half-brained sports analysts hyped him to Michael Jordon's level. Karl Malone's dirty elbow could no longer intimidate anyone. Shaq was still strong, but again, last night just shows the fact that he was just another human being. Gary Payton was a lost soul.... I even felt sad for him. Lakers looked tired and played tired. They seemed to be content with the three rings in their pocket.

Detroit was a whole different story. I was so touched by the energy level displayed by Pistons. They are so hungry. They want to win so badly and they let you know by fight every possession. The offensive board was dominated by Pistons, and it wasn't even close. Pistons play like a team, they move the ball very well and they always find someone open at the corner. They are both speedy and strong, I gotta say "I love Detroit!!!!"

Lakers, I am sorry (don't really meant it though hoho). This year is just not yours.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004



她在六月一号去世的,大约在一两个月前看“艺术人生”的时候看到过她,那时候还非常精神呢。真想不到,一下子就逝世了。唉,人生真是变化无常啊。通过艺术人生那一集,对她有了更多的感性认识。我很佩服这些有明确目标,并且将至付诸实施的人,她对豫剧的热爱和对祖国的热爱都是无以伦比的。当初她能捐出一架战斗机,这也真是太夸张了,我承认我做不到,打死我也做不到。(嗯。。也不一定,真要打死我的话,也许我狗急跳墙的会去不择手段一把,没准还真能搞一架回来) 真可惜这么一个慈祥的老奶奶就这去去世了。



终于可以看传说中的South Park了(从哥们那里借到的,开心啊~~)

Tuesday, June 01, 2004



