Friday, December 10, 2004

Annual Hot Dog Eating Contest


当解说员介绍这个Kobe的时候,他很严肃的说:“这是位伟大的professional competitive eating的参赛选手,他擅长于吃肉,面包,和豆子,他在这些项目上的胜率是很高的。在日本他已经蝉联3次吃牛肉面的比赛,在美国这是他四次尝试卫冕,真是个偶像级的选手啊。” 这时候另一个解说插了一句:“那他是不是就等于篮球里的Michael Jordan啊?”“对对对,完全正确!!有过之而无不及啊,在competitive eating的圈子里,他是不可逾越的啊。当然他今年在2小时耐力赛里输给了另一位日本高手,有点遗憾啊。嗯。。。他个子这么不显眼,但可以吃成这样,很让人钦佩啊。”



当比赛进入8分钟的时候,很多其他的选手都开始有些很奇怪的反应。一个白人老太太(奇怪吧,她起码55了)开始摇头晃脑的跳舞了,一个巨大的黑人兄弟一边吃一边点头,眼泪还不断往外冒。那个Kobe更是像条正在甩身上水的狗狗,非常大幅度的晃肩甩尾,很明显他在尝试把事物给晃到胃里去。根据解说的话讲,这就是天下闻名的“Kobe Shake”。由于绝大多数的美国选手体积都太庞大,屁股太重,大多甩不太动,所以Kobe这一招有点天下独步的味道。




The Greatest Athelete In The World: Takeru Kobayashi

We don't know "The Tsunami," but his accomplishments make him worthy of a very special page in his honor. For you see, Kobayashi is no ordinary eater. He is the king of eaters. He is the king of men. His unprecedented four consecutive triumphs at the Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest put him in the upper echelon of athletics, not just in present times, but in all of history.

We have seen lots of atheletes win consecutive titles over the years, but rarely do we see complete and utter domination on the scale that Kobayashi delivers. In the past four years he has won the Nathan's Contest by an average margin of 18.3 hot dogs, breaking the world record on three of those occasions. And nobody has ever come close to breaking his record of 53 and 1/2 hot dogs in 12 minutes. It's like if Lance Armstrong finished the tour de france hours before his competitors, or if Tiger Woods got a hole in one on every swing of the PGA tour.

But the fact that he always completely shatters his competition isn't what makes him great. What makes Kobayashi great is the style and grace with which he performs. To see a 130 pound, 20 something Japanese kid come in and completely destroy a group of 300+ pound American slobs is amazing, but the fact that he takes it in stride and doesn't get cocky is truly inspirational. He carries himself with an air of genuine nobility and class, with the charisma and dignity of a true champion. He took a sport that had previously been a spectacle of people piggishly stuffing as much food as possible into their mouths and transformed it into a science, into an art, and into something that is worth being celebrated.

God bless you, Kobayashi.

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