(17) 奶奶的,我在行人绿灯的时候过马路,还被转弯的汽车滴,很%#¥*!啊,中指,我的中指呢?
(19) 国内人好像不喜欢走路,到处坐车,我和老婆喜欢到处狂走,别人一听说我们走了40分钟去一个地方,都张大嘴不敢相信
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
奶奶的,但有个老美总来打探为什么10年满了我才敢回国,老问我是不是我以前干的事情有10年的 statutory limitation。现在每次看到我就对我眨眼睛,好像他知道我什么秘密似的。
奶奶的,但有个老美总来打探为什么10年满了我才敢回国,老问我是不是我以前干的事情有10年的 statutory limitation。现在每次看到我就对我眨眼睛,好像他知道我什么秘密似的。
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Myth #7: Progressive tax is evil because it's unfair
Progressive tax means that richer you are, higher marginal tax rate you pay. So, the average tax rate for a rich person is designed to be higher than a poor person.
The "unfairness" argument usually goes like this: "everyone is born equal in this nation and everyone should pay the same tax rate regardless his own money-making ability."
I am sorry, my friend, this is total horse-shit.
First, let's see where the tax money goes once it's collected from you and me. The single largest expenditure is National Defense (including Veterans Affairs). It's over $700bn and over 25% of the total budget.
Then, you tell me who benefit more from National Defense, me or Warren Buffet? For me, there are not much to be defended with. Let's say if Cuba invades US, I don't get much to lose. Well, that can't be true for Warren Buffet. He has the most stake in US and he will be the biggest loser if anything happens.
Since rich people benefit more from programs like National Defense, it makes perfect sense that they pay more.
People are dying to protect the country. Well, those poor people, to be precise. So, in order to maintain a steady stream of fresh bodies for the army, rich people have to support poor families. Therefore, Health and Human Services (the 2nd largest item on the budget) makes perfect sense.
Even small items on the budget, like those national highways, rich people drive more and benefit more. Poor folks sometimes don't even have cars! Why should they pay for something that they don't even use?
Education, another example, why should poor people pay for it given the fact that they have the higest drop out rate and lowest admission rate to college?
NASA, haha, do you think people in Harlem give a rat ass about what happens on Mars?
Oh, the Justice Department, the cops! You don't even want me to go there.
This list can go on and on.
The fact is "rich people, who may not even realize it themselves, benefit more in this country by government spending." Of course they have to pay more. This is only FAIR to do so.
Ok, now you may say why progressive tax? Rich people are paying more tax even if their marginal tax rate is the same as poor people.
Here is why: the margin utility of each extra dollar is decreasing and it's utility maximization for the society by taxing higher marginal tax rate.
Let's assume you only earn $1000 a month. This $1000 means a lot to you. It pays your rent, food, and other necessities.
But for others, Bill Gates for example, any extra $1000 means nothing to him. He can even give away the money to support aerospace programs. Well, some millionaires are exactly doing that.
So, if I, as the government, have to tax some money to support the programs I just mentioned earlier, I rather take the money from Bill Gates than from you. Consequently the marginal tax for rich people is indeed progressive. The more money a person makes, the additional dollar will be taxed more as it means less to that person. This tax rule minimizes the impact on the society as whole due to taxation.
Unfortunately, some people has a different utility curve when it comes to money. They will cry out loud whenever you take his money away even though they have little to no need for that money. We call them money-hungry self-centered cheap-asses. Or in short, Republicans.
The "unfairness" argument usually goes like this: "everyone is born equal in this nation and everyone should pay the same tax rate regardless his own money-making ability."
I am sorry, my friend, this is total horse-shit.
First, let's see where the tax money goes once it's collected from you and me. The single largest expenditure is National Defense (including Veterans Affairs). It's over $700bn and over 25% of the total budget.
Then, you tell me who benefit more from National Defense, me or Warren Buffet? For me, there are not much to be defended with. Let's say if Cuba invades US, I don't get much to lose. Well, that can't be true for Warren Buffet. He has the most stake in US and he will be the biggest loser if anything happens.
Since rich people benefit more from programs like National Defense, it makes perfect sense that they pay more.
People are dying to protect the country. Well, those poor people, to be precise. So, in order to maintain a steady stream of fresh bodies for the army, rich people have to support poor families. Therefore, Health and Human Services (the 2nd largest item on the budget) makes perfect sense.
Even small items on the budget, like those national highways, rich people drive more and benefit more. Poor folks sometimes don't even have cars! Why should they pay for something that they don't even use?
Education, another example, why should poor people pay for it given the fact that they have the higest drop out rate and lowest admission rate to college?
NASA, haha, do you think people in Harlem give a rat ass about what happens on Mars?
Oh, the Justice Department, the cops! You don't even want me to go there.
This list can go on and on.
The fact is "rich people, who may not even realize it themselves, benefit more in this country by government spending." Of course they have to pay more. This is only FAIR to do so.
Ok, now you may say why progressive tax? Rich people are paying more tax even if their marginal tax rate is the same as poor people.
Here is why: the margin utility of each extra dollar is decreasing and it's utility maximization for the society by taxing higher marginal tax rate.
Let's assume you only earn $1000 a month. This $1000 means a lot to you. It pays your rent, food, and other necessities.
But for others, Bill Gates for example, any extra $1000 means nothing to him. He can even give away the money to support aerospace programs. Well, some millionaires are exactly doing that.
So, if I, as the government, have to tax some money to support the programs I just mentioned earlier, I rather take the money from Bill Gates than from you. Consequently the marginal tax for rich people is indeed progressive. The more money a person makes, the additional dollar will be taxed more as it means less to that person. This tax rule minimizes the impact on the society as whole due to taxation.
Unfortunately, some people has a different utility curve when it comes to money. They will cry out loud whenever you take his money away even though they have little to no need for that money. We call them money-hungry self-centered cheap-asses. Or in short, Republicans.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Myth #6: I am picking McCain, not Palin
Some people will vote for McCain even though they agree Palin sucks. Their argument is simple: I am voting McCain for President, Not Palin.
Well, this argument is flawed.
First, Palin not just sucks. She is the queen of the Sucker Land and she sucks more than an industrial grade vacuum cleaner.
She can't even name a single newspaper! (Zero knowledge) She claims she understands international affair simple because she can visually see Russia from Alaska! (Zero logic) But she wants more power once she is the VP! (Is she the Weapon of Mass Destruction Bush is trying so hard to find??)
Secondly, Picking Palin as VP candidate is a utterly stupid irrational irresponsible decision. Anyone who makes that decision should not be allowed to make any other decisions for the rest of their lives, maybe except for the "paper or plastic" questions when checking out in a supermarket.
Well, MaCain made that decision! So, he is not qualified to be President. Case closed.
Finally, anyone voting for McCain without thinking about Palin is a dumb ass.
Take a look at a mortality table for a 72-year old. If you don't know what a mortality table is, google it. If you don't know how to use it, google it again. The bottom line is that there is 25% to 30% chance that McCain will die within the first term even without taking his 4 previous skin cancer history into consideration. So, you basically have 30% or higher chance to have Palin as the Head of the State by picking McCain. Some actuaries even put the odds much higher than 50%. If you don't think this is a serious risk worth considering when voting in November, you should not be allowed to vote. I rest my case.
Well, this argument is flawed.
First, Palin not just sucks. She is the queen of the Sucker Land and she sucks more than an industrial grade vacuum cleaner.
She can't even name a single newspaper! (Zero knowledge) She claims she understands international affair simple because she can visually see Russia from Alaska! (Zero logic) But she wants more power once she is the VP! (Is she the Weapon of Mass Destruction Bush is trying so hard to find??)
Secondly, Picking Palin as VP candidate is a utterly stupid irrational irresponsible decision. Anyone who makes that decision should not be allowed to make any other decisions for the rest of their lives, maybe except for the "paper or plastic" questions when checking out in a supermarket.
Well, MaCain made that decision! So, he is not qualified to be President. Case closed.
Finally, anyone voting for McCain without thinking about Palin is a dumb ass.
Take a look at a mortality table for a 72-year old. If you don't know what a mortality table is, google it. If you don't know how to use it, google it again. The bottom line is that there is 25% to 30% chance that McCain will die within the first term even without taking his 4 previous skin cancer history into consideration. So, you basically have 30% or higher chance to have Palin as the Head of the State by picking McCain. Some actuaries even put the odds much higher than 50%. If you don't think this is a serious risk worth considering when voting in November, you should not be allowed to vote. I rest my case.
2008 美国金融危机 (3) - 金融革命
房地美也就是Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation),成立于1970年,它基本上就是房利美的翻版,做一样的事情,就是对符合条件的房屋贷款提供二级市场的支持。房地美的建立是鼓励竞争,防止房利美一家垄断市场,但很滑稽的是,当政府在经营的时候,好像垄断没什么事,房利美独立存在了三十年都好好的,但一旦是私人企业,垄断就是万恶不赦的恶魔,一定要打倒,呵呵,正所谓只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯啊。不过有竞争倒也是好的,有利于二级市场的发展。
房地美也就是Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation),成立于1970年,它基本上就是房利美的翻版,做一样的事情,就是对符合条件的房屋贷款提供二级市场的支持。房地美的建立是鼓励竞争,防止房利美一家垄断市场,但很滑稽的是,当政府在经营的时候,好像垄断没什么事,房利美独立存在了三十年都好好的,但一旦是私人企业,垄断就是万恶不赦的恶魔,一定要打倒,呵呵,正所谓只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯啊。不过有竞争倒也是好的,有利于二级市场的发展。
Sunday, October 12, 2008
2008 美国金融危机 (2) - 房地产市场的春天
在这欢欣鼓舞的大旗背后,有一位默默无闻的功臣暗自发光,那就是Fannie Mae(房利美)。呵呵,为什么这么说呢,且听我细细道来。
美国一直是一个非常鼓励家庭拥有住房的国家。为了提高住房拥有率,国家可谓不择手段,在税收政策上对买房者的优惠之大几乎等同于对租房者的歧视,就连在文化上,都把美国梦诠释为是“有房,有车,有狗,有小孩”,呵呵,把Land of Freedom彻底量化。
房利美最初公开的Mission Statement(任务宣言)就是通过对美国房地产贷款市场的支持来提高美国的住房拥有率。作为政府的分支,房利美从政府那里拿到资金,从地方银行手里购买符合资格房产贷款,然后把这些贷款转手卖个有兴趣的投资者,实现资金流动,然后进一步去买地方银行的贷款,实现良性循环。
在这欢欣鼓舞的大旗背后,有一位默默无闻的功臣暗自发光,那就是Fannie Mae(房利美)。呵呵,为什么这么说呢,且听我细细道来。
美国一直是一个非常鼓励家庭拥有住房的国家。为了提高住房拥有率,国家可谓不择手段,在税收政策上对买房者的优惠之大几乎等同于对租房者的歧视,就连在文化上,都把美国梦诠释为是“有房,有车,有狗,有小孩”,呵呵,把Land of Freedom彻底量化。
房利美最初公开的Mission Statement(任务宣言)就是通过对美国房地产贷款市场的支持来提高美国的住房拥有率。作为政府的分支,房利美从政府那里拿到资金,从地方银行手里购买符合资格房产贷款,然后把这些贷款转手卖个有兴趣的投资者,实现资金流动,然后进一步去买地方银行的贷款,实现良性循环。
Friday, October 10, 2008
2008 美国金融危机 (1) - 起源
(1) 融资成本低廉 (ease of credit)
(2) 国民经济负债过高,经济杠杆过高 (high leverage in both consumer and corporate levels)
(3) 公司报告发现假账纷纭,投资者信心全无
(4) 生产经营规模过大
(5) 中央银行货币政策失败,导致银行系统链式反应般的挤兑,最终银行体系崩溃
(1) 成立各种政府机构来加大对金融企业的监管
(2) 提高对企业的税收,尤其是那些盈利状况非常好的企业
(3) 消减联邦政府支出
(4) 增强福利来帮助老百姓渡过难关
新成立的政府机构包括SEC, FDIC, Social Security System等等。最终这些政策凸显成效,罗斯福还最后破天荒的当了3届总统,当然这些都是后话。
其中一个新成立的机构我刚才没提到,那就是1938年成立的Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae),中文翻译得很好听,“房利美”,他的诞生主要是帮助普通老百姓实现home ownership。政府通过房利美,从地方银行手里买来符合条件的房屋贷款,从根本上让地方的银行放开手脚的去发放房屋贷款给符合条件的老百姓,从而稳定房市,稳定社区。要知道30年代初,好不容易活下来的银行也是顾虑重重,毕竟资本金不足,大家都在苟延残喘,是不大敢做长期房屋贷款业务的。房利美的成立,很大程度上给银行体系打了一个强心剂,使得信用良好的正常家庭能够买得上房子,铺垫了美国房地产市场今后60年的稳定发展。
呵呵,但是every rose has its thorn, 这房利美其实也就是这次2008经济风暴的导火索。真是成也萧何,败也萧何啊。
(1) 融资成本低廉 (ease of credit)
(2) 国民经济负债过高,经济杠杆过高 (high leverage in both consumer and corporate levels)
(3) 公司报告发现假账纷纭,投资者信心全无
(4) 生产经营规模过大
(5) 中央银行货币政策失败,导致银行系统链式反应般的挤兑,最终银行体系崩溃
(1) 成立各种政府机构来加大对金融企业的监管
(2) 提高对企业的税收,尤其是那些盈利状况非常好的企业
(3) 消减联邦政府支出
(4) 增强福利来帮助老百姓渡过难关
新成立的政府机构包括SEC, FDIC, Social Security System等等。最终这些政策凸显成效,罗斯福还最后破天荒的当了3届总统,当然这些都是后话。
其中一个新成立的机构我刚才没提到,那就是1938年成立的Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae),中文翻译得很好听,“房利美”,他的诞生主要是帮助普通老百姓实现home ownership。政府通过房利美,从地方银行手里买来符合条件的房屋贷款,从根本上让地方的银行放开手脚的去发放房屋贷款给符合条件的老百姓,从而稳定房市,稳定社区。要知道30年代初,好不容易活下来的银行也是顾虑重重,毕竟资本金不足,大家都在苟延残喘,是不大敢做长期房屋贷款业务的。房利美的成立,很大程度上给银行体系打了一个强心剂,使得信用良好的正常家庭能够买得上房子,铺垫了美国房地产市场今后60年的稳定发展。
呵呵,但是every rose has its thorn, 这房利美其实也就是这次2008经济风暴的导火索。真是成也萧何,败也萧何啊。
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Don't blame Republicans. They are jus kids.
I just recently discovered that Republicans are actually bunch of 12-year old. Here is my evidence:
(1) Language
Kids like to invent words. So do Republicans.
"They misunderestimate me" - George W. Bush
"We've gotta promote the leadership that is willing to condemn terror and, at the same time, work toward the embetterment of the lives of the Palestinian people. " - George W. Bush
"We are mavericky!" - Sarah Palin
(2) View of the world
Kids tend to view the world in a black and white fashion. Good vs. Evil. Snow White is good, and Big Bad Wolf is bad. (Well, they even have the world "Bad" in the the middle of the name, so you get the point.)
President George W. Bush is sharing a similar view. He is apparently living in a Marvel Comic world, where bad dudes are teaming up to get him. There are "evil doers" and "axis of evil" trying to hurt us. When asked about Iran, Bush point-blank said "these are assholes". Wow! How insightful!

Seriously, I think all we need is a cape and Bush is good to go.

(3) Favorite game/sport
Kids tend to do those pointless, repetitive, boring things over and over and always get entertained.
So, not surprisingly the #1 redneck sport is NASCAR. Basically it's very similar to a hamster in a cage, you are driving tirelessly in circles.
OK, I know there are more to it but still, you are running in fucking circles! How undesirably boring that is! Btw, did I mention how retarded the car looks? Why would I ever want a detergent on my car?
(1) Language
Kids like to invent words. So do Republicans.
"They misunderestimate me" - George W. Bush
"We've gotta promote the leadership that is willing to condemn terror and, at the same time, work toward the embetterment of the lives of the Palestinian people. " - George W. Bush
"We are mavericky!" - Sarah Palin
(2) View of the world
Kids tend to view the world in a black and white fashion. Good vs. Evil. Snow White is good, and Big Bad Wolf is bad. (Well, they even have the world "Bad" in the the middle of the name, so you get the point.)
President George W. Bush is sharing a similar view. He is apparently living in a Marvel Comic world, where bad dudes are teaming up to get him. There are "evil doers" and "axis of evil" trying to hurt us. When asked about Iran, Bush point-blank said "these are assholes". Wow! How insightful!

Seriously, I think all we need is a cape and Bush is good to go.
(3) Favorite game/sport
Kids tend to do those pointless, repetitive, boring things over and over and always get entertained.
So, not surprisingly the #1 redneck sport is NASCAR. Basically it's very similar to a hamster in a cage, you are driving tirelessly in circles.
OK, I know there are more to it but still, you are running in fucking circles! How undesirably boring that is! Btw, did I mention how retarded the car looks? Why would I ever want a detergent on my car?
1. Compaq is considering changing the command "Press Any Key" to "Press Return Key" because of the flood of calls asking where the "Any" key is.
2. AST technical support had a caller complaining that her mouse was hard to control with the dust cover on. The cover turned out to be the plastic bag the mouse was packaged in.
3. Another AST customer was asked to send a copy of her defective diskettes. A few days later a letter arrived from the customer along with photocopies of the floppies.
4. Another Dell customer called to say he couldn't get his computer to fax anything. After 40 minutes of trouble-shooting, the technician discovered the man was trying to fax a piece of paper by holding it in front of the monitor screen and hitting the "send" key.
5. Yet another Dell customer called to complain that his keyboard no longer worked. He had cleaned it by filling up his tub with soap and water and soaking the keyboard for a day, then removing all the keys and washing them individually.
6. A Dell technician received a call from a customer who was enraged because his computer had told him he was "bad and an invalid". The tech explained that the computer's "bad command" and "invalid" responses shouldn't be taken personally.
7. True story from a Novell NetWire SysOp:
Caller: "Hello, is this Tech Support?"
Tech: "Yes, it is. How may I help you?"
Caller: "The cup holder on my PC is broken and I am within my warranty period. How do I go about getting that fixed?"
Tech: "I'm sorry, but did you say a cup holder?"
Caller: "Yes, it's attached to the front of my computer."
Tech: "Please excuse me if I seem a bit stumped, It's because I am. Did you receive this as part of a promotional, at a trade show? How did you get this cup holder? Does it have any trademark on it?"
Caller: "It came with my computer, I don't know anything about a promotional. It just has '4X' on it."
At this point the Tech Rep had to mute the caller, because he couldn't stand it. He was laughing too hard. The caller had been using the load drawer of the CD-ROM drive as a cup holder, and snapped it off the drive!
8. Another IBM customer had troubles installing software and rang for support. "I put in the first disk, and that was OK. It said to put in the second disk, and had some problems with the disk. When it said to put in the third disk - I couldn't even fit it in..." The user hadn't realized that "Insert Disk 2" meant to remove Disk 1 first.
9. A confused caller to IBM was having troubles printing documents. He told the technician that the computer had said it "couldn't find printer". The user had also tried turning the computer screen to face the printer - but that his computer still couldn't "see" the printer.
1. Compaq is considering changing the command "Press Any Key" to "Press Return Key" because of the flood of calls asking where the "Any" key is.
2. AST technical support had a caller complaining that her mouse was hard to control with the dust cover on. The cover turned out to be the plastic bag the mouse was packaged in.
3. Another AST customer was asked to send a copy of her defective diskettes. A few days later a letter arrived from the customer along with photocopies of the floppies.
4. Another Dell customer called to say he couldn't get his computer to fax anything. After 40 minutes of trouble-shooting, the technician discovered the man was trying to fax a piece of paper by holding it in front of the monitor screen and hitting the "send" key.
5. Yet another Dell customer called to complain that his keyboard no longer worked. He had cleaned it by filling up his tub with soap and water and soaking the keyboard for a day, then removing all the keys and washing them individually.
6. A Dell technician received a call from a customer who was enraged because his computer had told him he was "bad and an invalid". The tech explained that the computer's "bad command" and "invalid" responses shouldn't be taken personally.
7. True story from a Novell NetWire SysOp:
Caller: "Hello, is this Tech Support?"
Tech: "Yes, it is. How may I help you?"
Caller: "The cup holder on my PC is broken and I am within my warranty period. How do I go about getting that fixed?"
Tech: "I'm sorry, but did you say a cup holder?"
Caller: "Yes, it's attached to the front of my computer."
Tech: "Please excuse me if I seem a bit stumped, It's because I am. Did you receive this as part of a promotional, at a trade show? How did you get this cup holder? Does it have any trademark on it?"
Caller: "It came with my computer, I don't know anything about a promotional. It just has '4X' on it."
At this point the Tech Rep had to mute the caller, because he couldn't stand it. He was laughing too hard. The caller had been using the load drawer of the CD-ROM drive as a cup holder, and snapped it off the drive!
8. Another IBM customer had troubles installing software and rang for support. "I put in the first disk, and that was OK. It said to put in the second disk, and had some problems with the disk. When it said to put in the third disk - I couldn't even fit it in..." The user hadn't realized that "Insert Disk 2" meant to remove Disk 1 first.
9. A confused caller to IBM was having troubles printing documents. He told the technician that the computer had said it "couldn't find printer". The user had also tried turning the computer screen to face the printer - but that his computer still couldn't "see" the printer.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Myth #5: McCain is experienced and can handle crisis better
When a crisis occurs, what should a President do?
I think a President needs to:
1. Recognize the crisis
2. Listen to the right people to deal with the crisis
Bush has been heavily criticized in the past on both aspects when it comes to crisis. He either did not recognize the crisis on a timely fashion (i.e., the 9/11 event), or appointed incompetent officials to deal with it (i.e., FEMA in Katrina).
Now let’s exam both McCain and Obama. Last week’s financial turmoil should serve as a preview of how candidates handle crisis. After all, this is a "once-in-a-century" financial crisis according to former Federal Reserve chief Alan Greenspan.
Recognize the crisis:
As late as last Monday (9/15) when Lehman Brothers filed the largest ever Chapter 11 bankruptcy, McCain claimed the economy was fundamentally strong.
Then, within 36 hours, as he stumbled over his record of championing deregulation, he flip-flopped over the government takeover of AIG and declared that “our economy in crisis”.
On 9/15, Obama said the crisis sweeping Lehman Brothers and other Wall Street firms posed a major threat to the U.S. economy and underscored the need to modernize the financial system. (Actually Obama called for the overhaul of the financial-regulatory system and tougher enforcement well before this past week's financial tsunami.)
Winner: Obama
Listen to the right people
McCain called Martin Feldstein, the well-known Republican economist and Reagan administration adviser, John Taylor of Stanford University, who served in President George W. Bush's Treasury and Carly Fiorina, once the chief executive officer of Hewlett-Packard Co.
Obama called former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, and former Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Larry Summers.
OK, let’s see what Bloomberg has to say about these two groups:
Feldstein, for all his intellect, was ineffective in the Reagan administration; then-White House deputy chief of staff Dick Darman cut him out of important action. Volcker, first at the Treasury and then as chairman of the Federal Reserve, was a towering figure in every way.
Taylor is a well-regarded academic. In four years as undersecretary of the Treasury, he left few footprints. Summers, as both deputy secretary and secretary, left a lot.
Fiorina is smart and quick; to put it charitably, Rubin will forget more about financial markets than she'll ever know.
The bottom line: “It was a mismatch.”
Winner: Obama
So, here is the preview. You take your pick.
I think a President needs to:
1. Recognize the crisis
2. Listen to the right people to deal with the crisis
Bush has been heavily criticized in the past on both aspects when it comes to crisis. He either did not recognize the crisis on a timely fashion (i.e., the 9/11 event), or appointed incompetent officials to deal with it (i.e., FEMA in Katrina).
Now let’s exam both McCain and Obama. Last week’s financial turmoil should serve as a preview of how candidates handle crisis. After all, this is a "once-in-a-century" financial crisis according to former Federal Reserve chief Alan Greenspan.
Recognize the crisis:
As late as last Monday (9/15) when Lehman Brothers filed the largest ever Chapter 11 bankruptcy, McCain claimed the economy was fundamentally strong.
Then, within 36 hours, as he stumbled over his record of championing deregulation, he flip-flopped over the government takeover of AIG and declared that “our economy in crisis”.
On 9/15, Obama said the crisis sweeping Lehman Brothers and other Wall Street firms posed a major threat to the U.S. economy and underscored the need to modernize the financial system. (Actually Obama called for the overhaul of the financial-regulatory system and tougher enforcement well before this past week's financial tsunami.)
Winner: Obama
Listen to the right people
McCain called Martin Feldstein, the well-known Republican economist and Reagan administration adviser, John Taylor of Stanford University, who served in President George W. Bush's Treasury and Carly Fiorina, once the chief executive officer of Hewlett-Packard Co.
Obama called former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, and former Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Larry Summers.
OK, let’s see what Bloomberg has to say about these two groups:
Feldstein, for all his intellect, was ineffective in the Reagan administration; then-White House deputy chief of staff Dick Darman cut him out of important action. Volcker, first at the Treasury and then as chairman of the Federal Reserve, was a towering figure in every way.
Taylor is a well-regarded academic. In four years as undersecretary of the Treasury, he left few footprints. Summers, as both deputy secretary and secretary, left a lot.
Fiorina is smart and quick; to put it charitably, Rubin will forget more about financial markets than she'll ever know.
The bottom line: “It was a mismatch.”
Winner: Obama
So, here is the preview. You take your pick.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Myth #4: Obama is an elitist!
The rhetoric usually goes like this:
1. Obama is an elitist
2. Therefore, he does not understand and sympathize the middle class
First of all, how can a second generation African American who is raised in single mom family an “elitist”? How can someone who goes to grocery shopping using food stamps an “elitist”? How can someone who needs college tuition loans in order to go to college an “elitist”? This is just absurd.
Yes, he is an extremely smart individual, similar to many Chinese here in US, who is able to earn distinguished honors at prestigious schools. At the end of Obama’s first year in Harvard Law School, he was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review. In his second year, he was elected president of the Law Review, the first black president of Law Review in Harvard’s history. However, please don’t confuse smartness with elitism. It is not a fault for someone to be outstanding.
At many levels, Obama mirrors us, basically the thousands of first and second generation Chinese or Chinese American scholars and students in US. We all work hard to excel in the academic field. We all endure the pains of prejudice and discrimination manifested in this society. We all keep our heads down when the time is bad and work our way out of any adverse social and economic situations. We are all winners; I am really proud of what we have accomplished as a group academically, socially, and economically. Obama’s success just further excites me that maybe one day we, as a minority, can be proud politically as well.
Secondly, how can you call someone who has been a volunteer and social worker for his life as being lack of sympathy for the poor? Obama has been working for the past 16 years on Chicago's far South Side. If you don’t think that’s poor enough, I dare you and double dare you to go there to see for yourself. The number of poor people McCain and Palin have seen in their life time is probably smaller than the number of poor people Obama has spoken to directly.
The fact is that you don’t become a social worker or community organizer unless you feel the pain and love of the community and the people in it.
At the end of the day, it’s just comical to see McCain calling Obama being an “Elitist”.
1. Obama is an elitist
2. Therefore, he does not understand and sympathize the middle class
First of all, how can a second generation African American who is raised in single mom family an “elitist”? How can someone who goes to grocery shopping using food stamps an “elitist”? How can someone who needs college tuition loans in order to go to college an “elitist”? This is just absurd.
Yes, he is an extremely smart individual, similar to many Chinese here in US, who is able to earn distinguished honors at prestigious schools. At the end of Obama’s first year in Harvard Law School, he was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review. In his second year, he was elected president of the Law Review, the first black president of Law Review in Harvard’s history. However, please don’t confuse smartness with elitism. It is not a fault for someone to be outstanding.
At many levels, Obama mirrors us, basically the thousands of first and second generation Chinese or Chinese American scholars and students in US. We all work hard to excel in the academic field. We all endure the pains of prejudice and discrimination manifested in this society. We all keep our heads down when the time is bad and work our way out of any adverse social and economic situations. We are all winners; I am really proud of what we have accomplished as a group academically, socially, and economically. Obama’s success just further excites me that maybe one day we, as a minority, can be proud politically as well.
Secondly, how can you call someone who has been a volunteer and social worker for his life as being lack of sympathy for the poor? Obama has been working for the past 16 years on Chicago's far South Side. If you don’t think that’s poor enough, I dare you and double dare you to go there to see for yourself. The number of poor people McCain and Palin have seen in their life time is probably smaller than the number of poor people Obama has spoken to directly.
The fact is that you don’t become a social worker or community organizer unless you feel the pain and love of the community and the people in it.
At the end of the day, it’s just comical to see McCain calling Obama being an “Elitist”.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Myth #3: Sarah Palin is the real thing
No, she is not.
She is not going to be the savior of the Republican party. Her "touching" story looks good on paper, but her right wing positions and stunning lack of knowledge and experience will alienate independent voters before November. Her "cute" lies will hurt her deeply and Palin will get the reality check the the way as Mitt Romney did.
Here is a long list of things about Palin that it's truly disturbing:
(1) Palin's position on abortion
This is ugly, really ugly. She opposes almost all forms of abortion, including rape and the pregnancy endangers the woman's health. She is opposed to Roe vs. Wade decision and wants to overturn it. Her position is so extreme that an average pro-life person won't even consider.
(2) Palin's foreign policy experience
If you are saying "I know about Russian politics because I can see real Russians from my state", you know you are simply pulling shit out of your own ass.
It's like saying "I know about saving people's life as I can see a huge hospital from my apartment". Are you freaking kidding me? Basically Palin is betting that everyone is so dumb that her argument can actually fly. This is sad that a potential VP thinks so lowly of her own countryman.
Btw, she even said that she paid little attention to Iraq since the war. Oh, we know she is not lying on this one, as she just linked 9/11 to Iraq several days ago. Oh boy, even Bush acknowledged that there is no link between 9/11 and Iraq FIVE YEARS AGO!!!!!!! WTF, are we back to future now?
(3) Palin's robotic interview answers
If you have seen her interview on ABC several days ago, her performance probably reminds you the time when you were in college and had to pull an all-nighter for a class that you only went to twice in a semester. Yes, you probably got most of the key sound bits, but you are still clueless and hopeless.
Well, that's what Palin did. She provides sound bit quality answers, and at times, they don't even match the questions being asked. She used the same "we can't second guess Israel" to answer three different questions around US-Israel relationships. It's like some sort of mal-functioned electronic device where it keeps saying the same thing as you press different buttons.
Also she didn't know the Bush Doctrine, which is THE reason behind the Iraq war. Ouch!
(4) Palin's lack of substance
In all her speeches so far, she provides zero substance. No real policy, no real strategy, only high level sound bits.
Well, it's understandable. She can't provide substance, because if she does that, people will notice how far right she really is on the political spectrum. All the middle independent voters who love McCain will disappear.
But the problem is that how long can she keeps avoiding substance? Not much longer, i am afraid. Debates are coming; interviews are coming; and voters will eventually demand answers to various social issues and policies. Her days are numbered. She will show her ugly right wing face.
(5) Palin's objection to Bridge-to-Nowhere
No, no, no, Palin didn't object the bridge-to-nowhere before she voted for it. She has been using this sound bit to show how strongly she opposes earmarks. The funny thing is that she actually said during the ABC interview that she is not against earmarks but rather against the way some of the earmarks are budgeted. Are you kidding me? This whole semantics battle is getting childish.
(6) Palin's foreign travel trips
She claimed that trips to Germany, Kuwait, Canada, Iraq, and Ireland made up her foreign travel. Actually Ireland is a refueling stop, and she never set foot on Iraq. She stopped at the Kuwait/Iraq boarder and didn't enter Iraq during her Kuwait trip.
The refueling stop thing is just embarrassing. This kind of little "resume enhancement" comments remind me Mitt Romney during the GOP primary. If people were sicken tired of Mitt Romney in the primary, I have every reason to believe that people will soon or later be sicken tired of Sarah Palin as well.
(7) Palin's Down syndrome child
Please, don't tell me that you are better because you have a retarded kid. When you are at the age of 44, any non-retarded people would have already learnt how to use a condom correctly.
Having a Down syndrome child just shows how poorly you plan things. Having a baby should be carefully planed to ensure a good life of the child. It should not be a random event after a drunken night at bar, nor should it be a I-am-too-lazy-to-use-a-condom thing. If you can't even ensure your child has a normal healthy life, how can you lead a country of 300 million?
(8) Palin's love for hunting and rifle
Hunting is not a sport. There is nothing victorious about using a high powered rifle, a 50 times magnified scope, and a sound and heat tracker to kill harmless, hungry, big furry animals. It's like beating up a kindergarten kid. I take no pride doing that.
Oh, she is worse. She loves aerial hunting. Basically riding on a helicopter and use machine guns to shoot at animals running around scared. The practice is actually outlawed by Airbone Hunting Act 1972 due to abusive practice in Alaska. But she does it anyway by exploring some loopholes in the law. What a smart woman!
She is also a life long member of the NRA (National Rifle Association), which is responsible for the rampant gun violence in US. This is just sickening.
(9) Palin's energy position
Palin can be any color but green. She voted against protecting polar bears because polar bear reservation got in her way in drilling oil in Alaska. She denies that global warming is the result of human activity, although it is proven and accepted by near all intellectuals.
Enough rant for today. The bottom line is that Palin is either a dumb ass or a freaking liar. Oh, maybe both.
She is not going to be the savior of the Republican party. Her "touching" story looks good on paper, but her right wing positions and stunning lack of knowledge and experience will alienate independent voters before November. Her "cute" lies will hurt her deeply and Palin will get the reality check the the way as Mitt Romney did.
Here is a long list of things about Palin that it's truly disturbing:
(1) Palin's position on abortion
This is ugly, really ugly. She opposes almost all forms of abortion, including rape and the pregnancy endangers the woman's health. She is opposed to Roe vs. Wade decision and wants to overturn it. Her position is so extreme that an average pro-life person won't even consider.
(2) Palin's foreign policy experience
If you are saying "I know about Russian politics because I can see real Russians from my state", you know you are simply pulling shit out of your own ass.
It's like saying "I know about saving people's life as I can see a huge hospital from my apartment". Are you freaking kidding me? Basically Palin is betting that everyone is so dumb that her argument can actually fly. This is sad that a potential VP thinks so lowly of her own countryman.
Btw, she even said that she paid little attention to Iraq since the war. Oh, we know she is not lying on this one, as she just linked 9/11 to Iraq several days ago. Oh boy, even Bush acknowledged that there is no link between 9/11 and Iraq FIVE YEARS AGO!!!!!!! WTF, are we back to future now?
(3) Palin's robotic interview answers
If you have seen her interview on ABC several days ago, her performance probably reminds you the time when you were in college and had to pull an all-nighter for a class that you only went to twice in a semester. Yes, you probably got most of the key sound bits, but you are still clueless and hopeless.
Well, that's what Palin did. She provides sound bit quality answers, and at times, they don't even match the questions being asked. She used the same "we can't second guess Israel" to answer three different questions around US-Israel relationships. It's like some sort of mal-functioned electronic device where it keeps saying the same thing as you press different buttons.
Also she didn't know the Bush Doctrine, which is THE reason behind the Iraq war. Ouch!
(4) Palin's lack of substance
In all her speeches so far, she provides zero substance. No real policy, no real strategy, only high level sound bits.
Well, it's understandable. She can't provide substance, because if she does that, people will notice how far right she really is on the political spectrum. All the middle independent voters who love McCain will disappear.
But the problem is that how long can she keeps avoiding substance? Not much longer, i am afraid. Debates are coming; interviews are coming; and voters will eventually demand answers to various social issues and policies. Her days are numbered. She will show her ugly right wing face.
(5) Palin's objection to Bridge-to-Nowhere
No, no, no, Palin didn't object the bridge-to-nowhere before she voted for it. She has been using this sound bit to show how strongly she opposes earmarks. The funny thing is that she actually said during the ABC interview that she is not against earmarks but rather against the way some of the earmarks are budgeted. Are you kidding me? This whole semantics battle is getting childish.
(6) Palin's foreign travel trips
She claimed that trips to Germany, Kuwait, Canada, Iraq, and Ireland made up her foreign travel. Actually Ireland is a refueling stop, and she never set foot on Iraq. She stopped at the Kuwait/Iraq boarder and didn't enter Iraq during her Kuwait trip.
The refueling stop thing is just embarrassing. This kind of little "resume enhancement" comments remind me Mitt Romney during the GOP primary. If people were sicken tired of Mitt Romney in the primary, I have every reason to believe that people will soon or later be sicken tired of Sarah Palin as well.
(7) Palin's Down syndrome child
Please, don't tell me that you are better because you have a retarded kid. When you are at the age of 44, any non-retarded people would have already learnt how to use a condom correctly.
Having a Down syndrome child just shows how poorly you plan things. Having a baby should be carefully planed to ensure a good life of the child. It should not be a random event after a drunken night at bar, nor should it be a I-am-too-lazy-to-use-a-condom thing. If you can't even ensure your child has a normal healthy life, how can you lead a country of 300 million?
(8) Palin's love for hunting and rifle
Hunting is not a sport. There is nothing victorious about using a high powered rifle, a 50 times magnified scope, and a sound and heat tracker to kill harmless, hungry, big furry animals. It's like beating up a kindergarten kid. I take no pride doing that.
Oh, she is worse. She loves aerial hunting. Basically riding on a helicopter and use machine guns to shoot at animals running around scared. The practice is actually outlawed by Airbone Hunting Act 1972 due to abusive practice in Alaska. But she does it anyway by exploring some loopholes in the law. What a smart woman!
She is also a life long member of the NRA (National Rifle Association), which is responsible for the rampant gun violence in US. This is just sickening.
(9) Palin's energy position
Palin can be any color but green. She voted against protecting polar bears because polar bear reservation got in her way in drilling oil in Alaska. She denies that global warming is the result of human activity, although it is proven and accepted by near all intellectuals.
Enough rant for today. The bottom line is that Palin is either a dumb ass or a freaking liar. Oh, maybe both.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Myth #2: We are average people just like you!!!
I have heard this so many times from a Republican candidate before. Bush used this and Palin is using it now:
"I am just an average pal/gal/buddy/people/hockey mom/wife/husband/American like you!" (VOTE ME!!!)
For some strange reason, American people got all excited after hearing this. "Shit, this is HOT! I am as good as the president! Sweet dude, let's vote!"
But I have to pause and ask myself: "Since when, being average is a good thing?"
Let's say you walk in an interview with Goldman. The interviewer shakes your hand, greets you warmly and says "OK, tell me something about yourself that you deserve this job." Then, you smile back and say "well, you know, I am average just like everyone else"
What are the odds that Goldman will give you a job after that? The truth is that being average is not even good enough to get a job at Goldman, let alone the president of United States of America.
I truly believe that being a president is not for everyone. He or she has to:
(1) be intellectually smart and understands the complexity of this world;
(2) have a clear vision where the country should be;
(3) be able to feel the pain of other and be compassionate;
(4) know how to motivate people and be a great communicator;
(5) follow his own principal and never yield under pressure;
(6) have to have the ability to succeed with his own resource and effort in the private sector.
Average Joe is not gonna cut it. An average super rich kid is not gonna cut it. McCain is not gonna cut it. Palin is not even close. Obama is the only answer:
(1) he graduated from Harvard law school at the top of his class
(2) he has talked about his vision in his books long time ago and never gives in or gives up
(3) he is an active community leader in the poorest communities in Chicago
(4) he is fanstatic in front of crowds and extremely charismatic.
(5) he has been following his dreams for 20 years
(6) he is able to be a sucessful lawyer, writer, teacher and leader. Extremely successful running his own campaign.
Bottom line is that we don't need an Average Joe, we need and deserve someone FANTASTIC!
"I am just an average pal/gal/buddy/people/hockey mom/wife/husband/American like you!" (VOTE ME!!!)
For some strange reason, American people got all excited after hearing this. "Shit, this is HOT! I am as good as the president! Sweet dude, let's vote!"
But I have to pause and ask myself: "Since when, being average is a good thing?"
Let's say you walk in an interview with Goldman. The interviewer shakes your hand, greets you warmly and says "OK, tell me something about yourself that you deserve this job." Then, you smile back and say "well, you know, I am average just like everyone else"
What are the odds that Goldman will give you a job after that? The truth is that being average is not even good enough to get a job at Goldman, let alone the president of United States of America.
I truly believe that being a president is not for everyone. He or she has to:
(1) be intellectually smart and understands the complexity of this world;
(2) have a clear vision where the country should be;
(3) be able to feel the pain of other and be compassionate;
(4) know how to motivate people and be a great communicator;
(5) follow his own principal and never yield under pressure;
(6) have to have the ability to succeed with his own resource and effort in the private sector.
Average Joe is not gonna cut it. An average super rich kid is not gonna cut it. McCain is not gonna cut it. Palin is not even close. Obama is the only answer:
(1) he graduated from Harvard law school at the top of his class
(2) he has talked about his vision in his books long time ago and never gives in or gives up
(3) he is an active community leader in the poorest communities in Chicago
(4) he is fanstatic in front of crowds and extremely charismatic.
(5) he has been following his dreams for 20 years
(6) he is able to be a sucessful lawyer, writer, teacher and leader. Extremely successful running his own campaign.
Bottom line is that we don't need an Average Joe, we need and deserve someone FANTASTIC!
Myth #1: McCain is a maverick in GOP
The argument usually runs like this "McCain is different. He is not a typical Republican. He can bring the change this country is craving for. He can unite both parties and has the experience to bring real changes"
OK, let's see how illogical this argument goes:
First, if he is a maverick as he claims he is, he won't be able to lead either party.
Maverick, by definition, is a "lone dissenter". The key word here is LONE. You can't be a maverick and someone that everyone follows at the same time.
Maverick is someone that stands out in the crowd; someone that disagrees with his/her peers; someone that others feel odd and strange.
If you are so popular that every Republican admires you and follows you, you are a majority leader in your party, and you are NOT a maverick. You simply can't lead the Republic party by saying and doing things that a typical Republican disagrees with.
Since McCain can't even lead his own party as a maverick, let alone leading the Democratic party.
Secondly, he has no experience.
Yes, yes, we got it. He was a POW (prison of war) before. I heard it, you heard it, and we all heard about it at least 200 times. Being POW is, without a doubt, not easy. It says a lot of about your personal characters, especially when you refuse the chance to be released earlier than fellow POWs. McCain definitely has a long list of admirable attributes: resilience, determination, courage, strong-will and such.
However, it doesn't make you an effective leader. He never led any military units in his life time. Never a true commander on the battlefield. POW experience sounds very touching but just doesn't make you a better decision maker, which is a prerequisite for a president. Besides those personal attributes, a president needs to make intelligent decisions in this complicated world. This is a MUST.
Well, in terms of intelligence level, McCain is ranked 894 out of 899 graduates from the Navy Academy. That's the 5th from the last. Oh boy, we just got by the Bush era, now comes McCain.
Finally, he is just like any other republicans and he is not special.
OK, here is what we got for McCain: born into a golden family; married a rich pretty blonde; supports war and vote in line with Bush 90% of the time; super rich and never will tell you how many homes he has; involved in financial scandals before and will not show your his tax return; below average academic score; below average looking; above average age; can't talk eloquently....
You tell me that he is different from other Republicans?? Oh, really?
Here is the conclusion:
McCain is just a typical republican that we have seen so many times before. Move on, nothing special here.
OK, let's see how illogical this argument goes:
First, if he is a maverick as he claims he is, he won't be able to lead either party.
Maverick, by definition, is a "lone dissenter". The key word here is LONE. You can't be a maverick and someone that everyone follows at the same time.
Maverick is someone that stands out in the crowd; someone that disagrees with his/her peers; someone that others feel odd and strange.
If you are so popular that every Republican admires you and follows you, you are a majority leader in your party, and you are NOT a maverick. You simply can't lead the Republic party by saying and doing things that a typical Republican disagrees with.
Since McCain can't even lead his own party as a maverick, let alone leading the Democratic party.
Secondly, he has no experience.
Yes, yes, we got it. He was a POW (prison of war) before. I heard it, you heard it, and we all heard about it at least 200 times. Being POW is, without a doubt, not easy. It says a lot of about your personal characters, especially when you refuse the chance to be released earlier than fellow POWs. McCain definitely has a long list of admirable attributes: resilience, determination, courage, strong-will and such.
However, it doesn't make you an effective leader. He never led any military units in his life time. Never a true commander on the battlefield. POW experience sounds very touching but just doesn't make you a better decision maker, which is a prerequisite for a president. Besides those personal attributes, a president needs to make intelligent decisions in this complicated world. This is a MUST.
Well, in terms of intelligence level, McCain is ranked 894 out of 899 graduates from the Navy Academy. That's the 5th from the last. Oh boy, we just got by the Bush era, now comes McCain.
Finally, he is just like any other republicans and he is not special.
OK, here is what we got for McCain: born into a golden family; married a rich pretty blonde; supports war and vote in line with Bush 90% of the time; super rich and never will tell you how many homes he has; involved in financial scandals before and will not show your his tax return; below average academic score; below average looking; above average age; can't talk eloquently....
You tell me that he is different from other Republicans?? Oh, really?
Here is the conclusion:
McCain is just a typical republican that we have seen so many times before. Move on, nothing special here.
Election 2008 Series
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